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Gregorian Tickets
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Tauron Arena Krakow, Krakow, Poland
Venue capacity: 18000
for Gregorian on our site
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This is the last date for Gregorian in Krakow on our site
Tauron Arena Krakow, Krakow, Poland
Venue capacity: 18000
Dom Muzyki i Tanca, Zabrze, Poland
on our site
Dom Muzyki i Tanca, Zabrze, Poland
on our site
Centralny Ośrodek Sportu - Hala Torwar, Warsaw, Poland
Venue capacity: 8000
for Gregorian on our site
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This is the last date for Gregorian in Warsaw on our site
Centralny Ośrodek Sportu - Hala Torwar, Warsaw, Poland
Venue capacity: 8000
Ergo Arena, Gdansk, Poland
Venue capacity: 15000
Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Halle, Halle / Saale, Germany
GREGORIAN - Masters of Chant | Das Beste aus über 20 Jahren
Venue capacity: 700
Verti Music Hall, Berlin, Germany
GREGORIAN - Masters of Chant | Das Beste aus über 20 Jahren
Venue capacity: 4500
Stadthalle Chemnitz, Großer Saal, Chemnitz, Germany
GREGORIAN - Masters of Chant | Das Beste aus über 20 Jahren
Venue capacity: 3034
for Gregorian on our site
Wiener Stadthalle - Halle F, Wien, Austria
Venue capacity: 16152
for Gregorian on our site
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This is the last date for Gregorian in Wien on our site
Wiener Stadthalle - Halle D, Wien, Austria
Gregorian 2022
Venue capacity: 16152
Musical Theatre, Basel, Switzerland
Venue capacity: 1550
Theater 11 Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
Venue capacity: 1500
for Gregorian on our site
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This is the last date for Gregorian in Zürich on our site
Theater 11 Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
Gregorian 2020
Venue capacity: 1500
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